Length: 60 - 70 min
Language level: Upper-Intermediate
Level: 10th - 12th grade

English Literature, Greatest Hits introduces students to some of the names and works that have stood out in the world of English Literature since the year 1000.
The show is light, interactive, and fun. It tells some great stories but also contains, a wealth of information, texts, and even a quiz. The show leaves the audience wanting to find out more for themselves. The challenge when creating a show like this is how to make it light and entertaining, while, at the same time respecting the great authors and their writing. English Literature, Greatest Hits is very successful in conveying information, showing students the power of the writing, and telling them something about the lives of the authors, without getting at all weighed down in lecturing or text analysis.
During the show, students will have the opportunity to read some of their poems or poems by an English writer. It is an excellent opportunity for them to express themselves and to be able to answer the fundamental question - Why should we know more about these authors?
The material covered in the show is Beowulf, Chaucer, Shakespeare, 17th and 18th-century poets, and Wuthering Heights. It is designed to be watched without preparation, but there are teaching materials to help classes look at the material more carefully afterward.

Materiais didácticos
O espectáculo deverá ser fácil de seguir mesmo sem preparação. No entanto, estes materiais poderão ser usados em aula para uma introdução ao espectáculo e à gramática do mesmo ou para depois do espectáculo como forma de revisão. Os materiais consistem em vários exercícios e contêm palavras-chave do espectáculo. Fáceis de usar, têm as respostas que os professores procuram.

Detalhes técnicos:
Espaço cénico: 5m x 5m (mínimo)
Material necessário: 1 mesa, 2 cadeiras, corrente eléctrica
Tempo de preparação: 30-60 minutos
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